Former South Carolina AFL-CIO President Beats the Hell Out of Nikki Haley Effigy

Stephen Gutowski | May 22, 2012

In a move that can only be described as classtastic, former South Carolina AFL-CIO president Donna Dewitt took a bat to an effigy of South Carolina governor Nikki Haley. As her supporters cheered on Dewitt smashed a picture of Haley's face on a pinata over and over again. (h/t The Daily Caller)

For some reason, as the Columbia Free Times reported, a union rep was concerned that the video would be “picked up by tea partiers, maybe even Haley herself, to attack labor again”. That seems absurd to me though. After all, why would a union rep smashing a depiction of their political opponent's face repeatedly with a baseball bat as her cronies shouted out with gleeful exuburance generally reserved for monster truck rallies reflect poorly on the labor movement?

It's not like the labor movement is full of thugs who have a reputation for using violence to intimidate those who disagree with them, right? Right??

UPDATE: According to this May 17th endorsement Donna Dewitt is still the president of the South Carolina AFL-CIO.