Fmr. Trump Impeachment Mgr. Rep. David Cicilline to Resign from Congress in June

Nick Kangadis | February 22, 2023
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You really hate to see it…okay, that’s a lie. [Clears throat] Nah, nah, nah, nah…nah, nah, nah, nah…hey, hey, hey…goodbye!

On Tuesday, the office of Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) announced that the congressman will be resigning from office in June to become president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation, whose aim is to help Rhode Islanders in need.

According to Cicilline’s House website, the 61-year-old congressman said the following in a statement:

For more than a decade, the people of Rhode Island entrusted me with a sacred duty to represent them in Congress, and it is a responsibility I put my heart and soul into every day to make life better for the residents and families of our state. The chance to lead the Rhode Island Foundation was unexpected, but it is an extraordinary opportunity to have an even more direct and meaningful impact on the lives of residents of our state. The same energy and commitment I brought to elected office, I will now bring as CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation, advancing their mission to ensure all Rhode Islanders can achieve economic security, access quality, affordable healthcare, and attain the education and training that will set them on a path to prosperity.

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A special election will eventually be scheduled by Gov. Dan McKee (D), but there are rules that Cicilline’s office has to uphold until there’s a successor to his seat.

“By federal law and the Rules of the House of Representatives, after June 1, 2023, members of Cicilline’s staff will continue to operate offices in both Rhode Island and Washington, D.C. under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives until a new Member of Congress is elected to fill the unexpired term,” Cicilline’s statement said as part of its conclusion.


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