Feminists Are Offering Free Sex Toys To Close the ‘Orgasm’ Gap

Brittany M. Hughes | May 18, 2017

Feminism is a disease. If brain cancer and gonorrhea had a lovechild born with hairy armpits and a chronic penchant for whining, that would be feminism.

Because parading around in pink pussy hats complaining about the lack of free IUDs just doesn't occupy enough vapid brainspace, some feminists have now taken issue with the idea that men have more orgasms than women, which is allegedly caused by women having been conned by society into believing they have to put their partner’s physical needs before their own and therefore denying themselves the feel-goods. Or something.

In order to correct this “orgasm gap,” Jannet, Lexi and Shirin, three software developers from Indianapolis, are now giving away free sex toys online so women can have a more equal shot at…err, arriving.

From the Huffington Post (because, of course):

Jannet explained that sexual exploration is “absolutely” a feminist issue and that’s exactly why the trio is offering this service to everyone, but women specifically. 

“This orgasm gap is not local to one region on this fine planet,” she said. “Our goal is a globally-oriented response to the ingrained societal messages that create barriers to people’s sexual enjoyment ― especially women’s. Women across the globe receive cultural messages that encourage them to put others’ needs before their own. Women’s sexual enjoyment and wellbeing matter. That’s why we do what we do. “

Because of this #inequality, the three women launched a new site called “Sexy Liberation,” where most of the toys (I won’t go into detail, you’re welcome) can be obtained at no cost. A few others are sold at marked-down prices, and the proceeds are supposedly reinvested into all the free loot. And it’s all so that women can get their lady-freak on and catch up with the boys.

“A woman who knows herself sexually will feel more confident talking honestly with her partner about her needs and desires,” the website reads. “If you are woman in a relationship that is having trouble getting off, we are here for you.”

Stay classy, feminists.