Fast Take: Dallas, Clinton and a Bear Fight

Ben Barrows | July 8, 2016

Big Story – Dallas

After a Thursday night protest in response to the recent shootings of black men by police officers, Micah Johnson killed 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas.

A total of 11 police officers were shot in the exchange, and it is believed that Johnson was targeting white officers. Johnson was killed early Friday morning by Dallas police.

This event has already been used by the media to promote gun control

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. 

Best of the Week – Man Fights Off Bear Attack

Rick Nelson, 61, was on a walk with his dog when a black bear attacked him. Using his boxing skills, Nelson was able to protect both himself and his dog from the attack. After a couple punches, the bear retreated back into the woods. Check out this awesome story here

Worst of the Week – Hillary

Hillary Clinton was not indicted by the FBI this week, but James Comey’s testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Thursday demonstrated that this scandal is far from over. It is clear now that Hillary lied to the American public about the use of her private server.

Even though the media painted the situation as a “sigh of relief,” this will certainly beleaguer her for the rest of her presidential campaign.

Strangest - Vox Writer Mad America Is Independent 

Vox’s Dylan Matthews wishes America never left the United Kingdom in 1776. No more explanation is needed to decipher why this is the strangest story of the week. 

Video of the Week