Kansas University Perverts Christian Tradition with Glitter Ash Wednesday

Evan Poellinger | February 15, 2024

A public university in Kansas hosted an event that inverses the meaning of the Christian penitential celebration of Ash Wednesday.

Libs of TikTok posted the details of an Ash Wednesday event being held at Fort Hayes State University, in which participants were given the opportunity to receive their choice of regular ashes or “Glitter+Ash.” The reasoning stipulated for choosing the glitter-ash mix is that “Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief” and that, “glitter is a sign of our hope, which does not despair.”

Aside from the obvious contradiction of a practice associated with Christianity being utilized to promote sexual deviancy, the practice also directly undermines the intended purpose of Ash Wednesday. Ashes are intended as a public sign of mortification at the start of Lent, a time when many Christians undertake practices of austerity and penance to spiritually discipline themselves and draw closer to God in the forty days before Easter. Now, Fort Hays State University has gone and turned a penitential practice into a virtue signal for adherence to the LGBTQ ideology.



Of course, this is far from the first occasion in which Christian symbolism has been perverted to show allegiance to left-wing sexual ideology.

During the summer of 2023, the LA Dodgers became the subject of controversy after giving a “Community Hero Award” to a group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The group’s modus operandi is dressing up as drag “nuns” and performing acts mocking Catholicism while supporting myriad left-wing causes under the motto of “go and sin some more.” The award led to outrage among faithful Catholics and a protest led by Bishop Joseph Strickland on June 16 against the decision.

As with other institutions, the left continues to hollow out Christianity in America and pervert its ceremonies in favor of its new ideological religion.