CNN Hype For Hamas: Video Claims ‘Gaza Mirrors Experience Of Black Americans’

Eric Scheiner | April 9, 2024
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CNN put together a panel of students from historically black colleges in Georgia to discuss the current Hamas/Israeli conflict and posted it on social media under the title “Why these students say Gaza mirrors the experience of Black Americans.”

“So you see what's happening in Gaza to very much mirror the civil rights battles of black people in America,” CNN correspondent Rene Marsh says to the group.

Spellman College student Rokiah Garbo responds, “It is. Also it's just directly linked  - because money that could be used for black reparations are being sent to Israel.”

The segment actually contains some moments more mentally painful than that. As these students believe that supporting Israel is a lot like historical support of slavery.

“It's just painful because then the same people that are seeing this happen and are comfortable with everything that's happening, they're the same people that would have been silent during, you know, slavery, during segregation,” Garbo claims.

No one in the clip mentions the Hamas terrorist strike on Israel, the babies and others killed, or even the victims in Israel that were raped and/or kidnapped on Oct. 7th – but they are clear this is “a matter of morality.”

“Do you support a genocide or are you against a genocide? Are you for human rights or are you against human rights? There's very little - there's no grey area here,” Spellman student Mozn Shora says.

It’s very easy to avoid having a “grey area” when you leave out essential facts and focus on a making a “moral” money grab from others for your own benefit.

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