Biden’s Abortion Blessing: Makes Sign Of The Cross Before Pushing Abortion Agenda

Eric Scheiner | April 24, 2024

The leftist media’s so-called “devout” Catholic, Joe Biden decided to bless himself in protection from a Florida law designed to protect the unborn.


During a campaign event in Florida on Tuesday, Biden criticized the state's six-week abortion ban that’s set to take effect next month, blessing himself with the sign of the cross when the woman introducing him referenced the measure.

RELATED: Biden: The Lies Keep On Truckin’!

"Biden's decision to make the Sign of the Cross in support of abortion extremism is a despicable charade that attempts to co-opt a sacred practice in support of his new abortion religion. His gesture openly mocks the Christian belief in the sanctity of life. There is no divine support for destroying the lives of innocent children, and he should know better. Biden's gesture suggests he is either terribly naive, or senile, or callously indifferent to the foundational beliefs of millions of Christians in America," Catholic Vote President Brian Burch said.

During the campaign event Biden pointed to Donald Trump's influence in overturning Roe v. Wade via his Supreme Court appointments.

“In a sense, I don't know why we're surprised by Trump," Biden said. "How many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted?"

How many times, indeed.

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