‘Dystopian Reality’ : Dems Wail and Whine About Dobbs Anniversary

Emma Campbell | June 21, 2023
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A collection of Senate Democrats held a press conference Wednesday to highlight legislation they will be pushing in Congress this week in conjunction with the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) joined Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other leftist senators in criticizing the “disastrous” decision that moved the power to regulate abortion back down to the state level and give state residents a voice on the issue.

They asserted that the Dobbs decision had denied women of  “fundamental human rights,” to kill the innocent and  they pushed for support for “common sense protections” to kill babies in the womb.

 “Everyday, women across our country are confronting a dystopian reality," Murray said in her opening statement, “one where Republican politicians have the final say in their healthcare decisions.”

Other senators echoed Murray’s sentiments, blaming the “MAGA Supreme Court” and “MAGA Republicans” for allowing states to have a say on their own rules that govern abortion.  and the “devastating” fallout that threatens the liberties of women.

“It’s another example of an effort by the far right to try and change our voting laws so that they can make sure that the people who are voting are the people who support them rather than listening to people across this country,” Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) said in reference to an alleged scheme of billionaires colluding with Republican lawmakers to keep abortion off ballots.

Related: 'Eating Babies,' Nudity & Cussing - A Year of Passionate Pro-Aborts

Some of the proposed initiatives the Democrats discussed include the Right to Contraception Act, the Women’s Health Protection Act, and the Protecting Service Members and Military Families’ Access to Healthcare Act. These proposed pieces of legislation would seek to make it easier for women to circumvent the laws of their states and travel to other areas to get access to abortion and reproductive healthcare.

Though the focus was largely on emphasizing abortion as a necessity and “human right” by bashing Republican lawmakers, one senator did note a key factor in the abortion debate on both sides of the aisle.

“This is about the future of our daughters and granddaughters. This is about the future of our country,” Hassan said.

Indeed. It's about weather future daughters and granddaughters will be allowed to even be born.

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