Disappointing: Fox News Promotes Transgender Children

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | June 10, 2022
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Oh come on! Seven million people saw a viral YouTube video of a transgender teenager and none other than Fox News just gave the delusion another platform to spread on. 

At the 10 o'clock hour today on America's Newsroom, Bryan Llenas and Dana Perino highlighted the story of Ryland Whittington to show the company’s support of the LGBTQ community during Pride Month.

Dammit, I guess I’m gonna have to find a new channel to watch.

In the segment,  correspondent Bryan Llenas affirmed that the 14-year-old child is in fact a boy and can serve as an inspiration to the “tens of thousands of kids under 18 who identify as transgender.” If you’re under 18 that means you can't vote, you can't drink, you can't do much of anything without parental consent, but you can sure as hell change your gender if you’d like. 


“It was truly painful for him to have to wear feminine clothing,” Ms. Whittington told Fox. I’d bet that wearing a dress is less painful than getting your boobs cut off, but how would I know?

Llenas seemed to be touched that the child’s parents used their “conservative faith” to justify Ryland’s transition. 

Ms. Whittington said, “For me it’s just a deep spiritual belief that if you believe in God and He created us the way He wanted us, well then yes, He created Ryland just the way he is.” 

Umm, no. God created Ryland as a girl. That’s why Ryland came out of the womb as a girl. And that's why Ryland still is a girl. 

Related: TeenVogue: LGBTQ's Cry That Kids Can’t Celebrate Being Gay

“I’d rather have a living son than a dead daughter,” the mother said after Fox brought up suicide and self-harm statistics with bar charts and graphs. 

Nobody wants anyone to harm themselves in any way, I don’t think that indulging delusional sense of  identity is the way to combat that. 

To end the segment,  Llenas emphasized his support for the Whittington family. 

What extraordinary courage displayed by Ryland, his sister Brinley, father, Jeff and mom, Hillary. I wan’t to thank the Whittington family for speaking to us. It’s not easy, particularly at a time when transgender issues have been politicized. People are afraid of what they don’t understand, Dana. This family hopes their story will lead to more understanding, more acceptance, and ultimately, more love.

The only thing this story led me to understand is that Fox is a bit more woke than I’d like to admit. Prayers go out to the millions of people that saw this segment and think that transitioning the youth isn’t child abuse. 

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