Deadspin Editor Challenges Ted Cruz Fans to Fight; Actual UFC Fighter and Veteran Responds

Zach Montanaro | January 26, 2017

Things just got very real for one Deadspin editor.

It all started where things often do these days: Twitter. Deadspin recently learned that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has apparently begun holding weekly basketball games and was urging fellow senators to attend. Ashley Feinberg, the author of the article, asked her readers for any kind of picture or video proof of this, not shy in hiding the fact that Deadspin wanted to use the pictures or videos to show Cruz in a very unflattering light.

Cruz, however, found out about this and joined in on the fun.

Obviously, that is not Ted Cruz. That is Duke University star Grayson Allen, who even those in the sports world have noticed bears a striking resemblance to the Texas senator.

Deadspin, however, was clearly not impressed by Cruz getting in on the fun. It took just over twenty minutes for them to reply with this:

The joke of that escalating quickly would be perfect here, and once again Cruz was on top of that:

One needs only to check the replies to that tweet to see that even fans of Deadspin thought Cruz won the round, and Deadspin came off looking like idiots.

That didn’t sit well with Deadspin Editor Tim Marchman, who wasted no time digging himself and Deadspin deeper and deeper into the ditch they were in.

But that wasn't enough for Marchman, so he issued a challenge to fans of Ted Cruz:

Yes, that’s right, the editor of Deadspin used Twitter to challenge people to a UFC-style fight because he was mad at Ted Cruz. Believe it or not, that’s only the first half of this story.

Enter into the ring Tim Kennedy, a former UFC fighter, as well as U.S Army Ranger and Special Forces operator who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Kennedy caught wind of Marchman’s meltdown - and publicly accepted the challenge.

Somehow, I don’t think Marchman was expecting that.

Kennedy told Independent Journal Review that he is still waiting for a reply from Marchman so that they can set up the fight.

“Unfortunately, there has yet to be a response,” he said. “I am honestly not anxiously waiting or holding my breath.”

Somehow, I don’t think he’s going to be hearing from Marchman any time soon.

This is just yet another lesson to anyone out there: Don’t go on Twitter when you’re mad. Otherwise, you might have a UFC fighter accept your challenge to fight.

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