Cue the fireworks: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are set to debate President Trump’s tax reform plan at an upcoming town hall event, according to CNN.
The debate, taking place on Oct. 18, will be moderated by CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, and it's sure to be a crazy one.
Cruz, one of the most conservative members of the Senate, firmly endorsed the president’s plan to lower individual and business tax rates and eliminate the estate tax, saying, “We need to embrace unapologetically that we’re doing a tax cut.”
On the other hand, Sanders, one the most liberal lawmakers in Washington and a devout socialist, has called the plan “morally repugnant,” adding, “Instead of giving more tax breaks to billionaires who don't need it, we should be doing everything we can to rebuild the disappearing middle class.”
The “disappearing middle class” has been the target concern of policymakers on both left and right, with both Senator Sanders and President Trump mentioning the term.
However, Census Bureau statistics suggest that the only cause for a “disappearing” middle class is due to the fact that middle class households are actually making more money each year since 1967 and moving into higher income groups. Statistics show the percentage of lower income classes decreasing as well.
View full Census statistics here.
Despite the numbers, the stark difference between Sanders' and Cruz’s visions for the future of American tax dollars will surely make for a heated Town Hall debate.