'Create Suction to Remove Pregnancy Tissue': Abortion Activists Demonstrate Abortion Procedure on Watermelon

Ferlon Webster Jr. | July 15, 2019

In the name of “myth-busting,” five pro-abortion activists at the Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia this past week thought it’d be a good idea to demonstrate how simple (and harmless) an eight-week abortion procedure is.

Lizz Winstead, an avid abortion supporter and co-creator of "The Daily Show," along with her “Operation Save Abortion” crew, made it a point to mock pro-lifers and show just how enthusiastic she and her cohorts were about “ending a pregnancy.”

“We just wanted to demonstrate for you what an early abortion is like — how simple it is, show you the instruments,” Winstead told her audience. “So that you can have a little bit of myth-busting and see what it’s like.”

On a watermelon, a pro-abortion panelist explained the “three to five minute process” showing how to insert a syringe into the “cervix” and “suck out” the “pregnancy tissue” from a woman — well, in this case a watermelon.

“So this would go through the cervix into the uterus,” the panelist explained. “And then we create suction to remove pregnancy tissue.”

“This is what we would use for about an eight-week pregnancy,” she continued. “And you get a wee little ‘watermelon fetus.’”

Throughout the explanation process, the panelist was careful to call the unborn child a “pregnancy” or “pregnancy tissue,” making sure to keep the audience away from the truth — which I have a feeling they already know.

“It is not surgery,” another panelist followed up. “It is basic healthcare, it is easy to do, it is safe. We need more providers.” 

It seems the only way someone can be a supporter of abortion is if they’ve been deceived about what it actually is or if they just don’t give a care. I’m not sure where these panelists stand on that but their desire to “end pregnancies” with a big smile on their face is quite disturbing.