Rep. Jordan: Impeach Biden Based on These Four ‘Fundamental Facts’ and Three ‘Communications’

Craig Bannister | September 28, 2023
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At Tuesday’s House impeachment inquiry hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) presented “four fundamental facts” and the progression of three communications to make the case for impeaching President Joe Biden.

“This is a tale that’s as old as time: politician takes action that makes money for his family, then tries to deceive it,” Jordan began, explaining that, when Joe Biden was vice president, his son Hunter was – for no apparent reason – a paid board member of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was under investigation by Ukraine’s prosecutor.

“Never forget four fundamental facts,” Jordan said:

“Hunter Biden gets put on the board of Burisma, gets paid a lot of money.

“Hunter Biden’s not qualified, fact number two, to sit on the board. Not my words, his words. He said he got on the board because of the ‘brand,’ because of the name.

“Fact number three: the executives at Burisma asked Hunter Biden to weigh in and help them with the pressure they are under from the prosecutor in Ukraine.

“Fact number four: Joe Biden goes to Ukraine on December 9, 2015 and gives the speech attacking the prosecutor that starts the process of getting that guy fired.”

“Those facts, by the way, are consistent with what the confidential human source told the FBI and the FBI recorded in the 1023 Form – the same form that the Justice Department didn’t want to let this committee to see,” Rep. Jordan said.

“And, all those facts, all of that was further confirmed yesterday with the information that the Ways and Means committee released from the whistleblowers Shapley and Ziggler,” Jordan said.

The congressman then quoted from three communications he said connected the dots of the Bidens’ scheme to save Burisma from the corruption investigation of the prosecutor that then-Vice Pres. Joe Biden ultimately leveraged one billion dollars to get fired:

  1. Assurance from Hunter Biden telling Burisma that the PR firm he recommended would “deliver.”
  2. Direction of U.S. officials to express support for Burisma and its owner to the highest level decision-makers in Ukraine: its president, chief of staff and prosecutor general.
  3. Congratulations and celebration when the investigation was dropped by the prosecutor who replaced the one who was investigating Burisma.


“Joe Biden fired the first one, the second prosecutor comes in and drops the charges,” Jordan concluded.