“These two justices are absolute cowards,” Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin declared Sunday after two Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices shirked their responsibility to defend the Constitution against an assault by a rogue district attorney and state judge.
On Thursday, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with three leftist ideologues against four Constitutionalists to deny President-Elect Donald Trump’s request to stay New York Judge Juan Merchan’s sentencing of Trump for a dubious, so-called “hush money” conviction.
“The fact that the judge ruled that he’s not going to imprison the president of the United States, that’s not a victory to me,” Levin said in the opening monologue of the latest episode of “Life, Liberty & Levin.”
“What took place in New York was a direct attack on the Supremacy Clause in a functioning country and the purpose of the Constitution, in the first place,” Levin explained, noting that Judge Merchan and New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg had absolutely no authority to usurp federal jurisdiction in the case.
But, instead of voting along with the High Court’s four Constitutional Originalists to take up the case and defend the Supremacy Clause, Roberts and Barrett voted to reject Trump’s request, apparently because Merchan had signaled that he would not impose any penalty on Trump.
Justice Barrett “is obviously flipping. And she’s flipping more and more and more,” Levin said.
Chief Justice Roberts “is very much influenced by the legal media, by the New York Times, he is very thin-skinned and he has, in many respects, lost his way,” Levin added.
“This is a judicial scandal. It’s an abomination. The ultimate job of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” yet “two of the Republican-appointed justices decided to take a walk,” Levin explained.
“To allow it to play out in New York creates a monumentally damaging precedent,” Levin warned:
“This is a scandal now – that’s what it is, it’s a judicial scandal – because two Republican-appointed justices threw in with the three radical left-wing Democrat-appointed justices and did not vote with the four Constitutionalists to say, ‘No, no, no, we’ve got to straighten this out.’”
“The court didn’t have the guts to do what this court needed to do. What this court needed to do was to put an end to this, to say ‘What a minute, there’s no jurisdiction,’” Levin said. “To allow it to play out in New York creates a monumentally damaging precedent.”
“Let me go further: why these two justices were absolute cowards and outrageous in what they did. And what they did was abandon their responsibility,” Levin said, warning of the dire consequences of their cowardice:
“Every other Blue state, and every other hack prosecutor in some big city with a hack judge in some big city, as of today, has the ability to do what was done to Donald Trump in Manhattan, because the Supreme Court wouldn’t fix this on behalf of the Supreme Court, the federal judiciary, the framers of the Constitution and the Supremacy Clause.”
“What’s the point of having a Supremacy Clause, if something like this can take place? The fact is, there is no point,” Levin concluded:
“This is about the majority of the Supreme Court refusing to uphold the federal Constitution in the face of an assault by a state, by New York.”