Even New York Times Admits DEI Ideology Has Backfired

Craig Bannister | October 18, 2024
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When even the ultra-left propagandist New York Times (NYT) is reporting the destructive failures of a leftist ideology, it says something.

On Wednesday, The Times acknowledged that the left’s beloved Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) movement is having the exact opposite effect of its claimed goal

In its piece, “The University of Michigan Doubled Down on D.E.I. What Went Wrong?” The Times examines “the largest D.E.I. bureaucracy of any big public university,” exposing the utter failures of the school’s DEI programs.

Instead of fostering a campus of students from all cultural backgrounds gathering together to hold hands and interact respectfully, The Times notes, the university’s program – now in its second iteration (dubbed D.E.I. 2.0) – has produced self-defeating consequences:

  • Inclusivity has declined: “[S]tudents were less likely to interact with people of a different race or religion or with different politics.”
  • Minority students have become “less likely to report ‘feelings of being valued, belonging, personal growth and thriving.'”
  • Students’ assessment of the mood on campus has deteriorated.
  • “[C]reated a powerful conceptual framework for student and faculty grievances — and formidable bureaucratic mechanisms to pursue them.
  • “[E]veryday campus complaints and academic disagreements…now cast as crises of inclusion and harm, each demanding some further administrative intervention or expansion.”
  • Complaints of perceived offenses from years earlier are, such as a student quoting a Supreme Court decision, are being dredged up and investigated.
  • Faculty probing each student’s specific “attractionality,” a practice threatening violation of students’ privacy.


Nonetheless, as The Times reports, the university has remained undaunted, choosing to double down on its DEI crusade, instead of correcting course to better serve its students.