Dem County Commissioner in Ill. Campaigns Against 'Indigenous Peoples Day,' Calls Out Native American Slave-Holding History

Libby | May 27, 2021

Democrat Stanley Moore, the County Commissioner for Cook County, Ill., advocated against an “Indigenous People’s Day” name change due to history of Native Americans owning slaves on Monday.

Moore, who claims he’s a descendant of a Choctaw Freedman, the name for black slaves owned by Native American tribes, noted that the tribes have denied the black freedmen benefits and full tribal membership: “they are discriminating against us.”

The nationwide movement to cancel Italian explorer Christopher Columbus by changing Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day backfired as the resolution to officially change the holiday’s name was debated by the Cook County Board.

Moore basically used the “black lives matter” phrase to guilt others into giving him his way.

“We will not stop until all the Five Civilized Tribes honor the sacrifices of their black slaves....If we decide that it’s more important that Black Freedmen lives do not matter, and I will have to urge a ‘no’ vote,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported Moore as having said.

While Columbus was under fire for his treatment of Native Americans, Moore and other descendants of freedmen are critical of Native Americans’ treatments of black slaves.

He called on the tribes to “acknowledge their role in the rich history of Black slaves.”

Kristi Williams, a Creek Freedmen descendant and committee member for the Greater Tulsa African-American Affairs Commission, echoed Moore’s criticisms that the Native American tribes perpetuated racism against their Freedmen black slaves.

“I am extremely sensitive to the horrific treatment of indigenous people. In fact, Columbus himself is a powerful sign of white supremacy, Williams said, making sure she remembered to bash Columbus. “But how can I be in support of commemorating the history and culture of my ancestors’ slave master?”

H/T: Daily Caller