Cosmetics Company Launches Anti-Trump Hair Care Product

ashley.rae | February 24, 2017

(Image source: Cosmopolitan/Lush)

Cosmetics brand Lush, popular among young girls and hipsters for their “bath bombs,” is launching a new anti-President Trump hair care product.

According to Cosmopolitan, Lush announced plans to release a hair treatment called “Yuge,” a play on the way Trump pronounces the word “huge,” alongside an “orange faced, tiny-handed man” at their 2017 Lush Summit.

The “Yuge” product is reportedly a hot oil treatment that will “add volume and softness to your hair.” Cosmopolitan notes the product is not currently available as it is being tested on humans in the U.K. (Lush opposes animal testing).

Lush’s homepage features two statements opposing Trump’s policies.

In a statement titled, “All Are Welcome. Always,” Lush takes a general stance against “[i]ntolerance, hostility, racism and fear.”

The statement mentions Lush’s “Refugees Welcome” campaign that raised $300,000 to reportedly help people who are the victims of violence in Syria through the sale of their Hand of Friendship Soap.

Lush also mentions their “Freedom to Marry” campaign that raised $70,000 for the Freedom to Marry organization, dedicated to supporting same-sex marriage, by selling a limited edition “bubble bar.”

In their “Our America Welcomes Refugees #refugees welcome” statement on their homepage, Lush writes, “Refugees are not a partisan issue”:

Refugees are not a partisan issue. They are human beings—parents, children, business owners, students, professionals—who have suffered unimaginable violence and tragedy through no fault of their own,” Lush explains. “It’s unacceptable that now, during what has been called the worst humanitarian crisis of our time, they’re facing racism and discrimination in the very place that they’re meant to feel safe and welcome.

Lush’s “Welcome Refugees” statement encourages people to share the hashtags #refugeeswelcome and #nobannowall and to visit the website for the International Rescue Committee to “take action.”

Lush’s political stances haven’t always been explicit through statements on their website. This Valentine’s Day, Lush featured photos of same-sex couples in baths throughout their website.

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