It’s a weird symptom, but when whether begins to get a little cooler outside shootings tend to take a dip in the city of Chicago. Now, 24 people in a single weekend being shot is no small number. But when you’ve seen an average of over 50 people being shot every single weekend in a city, 24 seems like a vacation. It’s sad, really.
At least four people were killed and another 20 were wounded in the Chicagoland area over the weekend. This is down from the previous weekend, which saw at least four people murdered and another 38 wounded in shootings across the city.
One of the tragic shootings came when an 8-year-old reportedly shot an 11-year-old “by accident,” according to Chicago police. The child is said to be in fair condition.
Here are the names and ages of those who lost their lives over the weekend, according to the Chicago Sun-Times:
Joshua James, 29
Unidentified Male, Age Unknown
As for the year-to-date totals for Chicago weekend shootings, 261 people have been murdered and another 1,561 have been wounded in Chicago in 2021. The Chicago Tribune, which keeps a tracker of all shooting victims in Chicago, have apparently given up keeping track as they still haven’t updated their numbers in over two months. But, they reported that — as of July 7 — 2,021 people have been shot in Chicago this year. That number is 164 more than at the same point in 2020, which saw the second most shooting victims in the last 10 years of tracking data.