‘A Concerned’ 8-Year-Old’s Fearless Letter to Michelle Obama: ‘Your Husband’ Should ‘Work On His Speeches’

Monica Sanchez | April 22, 2015

It took an eight-year-old boy six months to finish penning a letter to Michelle Obama because he was “too angry” to write down all of his concerns in one sitting.

A young boy named Peter felt the need to write a letter to the First Lady in response to her “healthier” lunches program being implemented in public schools.

“It all started because he saw something about school lunches [and] how ketchup is bad for you, and that Michelle Obama wants to limit the amount of ketchup,” his father told The Weekly Standard

His mother reminded Peter that he attends private school, making his ketchup plight a nonissue; nonetheless, Peter took it upon himself to stand up for all of those "voiceless" ketchup lovers in public schools enduring Michelle Obama’s lunch restrictions.

“He said something about wanting to ‘give a voice to the voiceless,’” his father explained.

Grammar mistakes and all, Peter began with the following statement: 

"My name is Peter. I am eight years old. I love studying the history of the USA. I have enjoyed learning about the great choices the USA had made...

"And then their was your husband's election." 

He went on to discuss how ketchup limitations are robbing kids of their “patriotism toward America,” and how the President’s foreign policy in the Middle East as well as his speeches need work. 

“I think you should rethink your idea that takes us to one ketchup packet per meal,” Peter wrote.

“I feel that it is taking away our patritism toward Amercia.”

“I also think you should stop doing nothing and go send some troops to the Middle East,” he fired. “I also think your husband needs to work on his speeches.”

The little boy continued, “[Obama] also disipionted millions of Americans by not bombing Syria.”

“If you do not know, every day thousands of peoples homes are destroyed by the ISIS in the Middle East.”

Quite well-versed in the news cycle for his age, Peter also recommended that Obama urge the United Nations to send peacekeepers to the Ukraine:

“You should also get the UN to send troops to Ukrain,” he added, rocking the misspellings.

As scathing as the eight-year-old boy was in his letter to the First Lady, Peter did, however, conclude by politely asking, “Is the White House comfortable?”

He started writing the letter on Oct. 2, 2014, and only recently did he give it to his father to email.

“We found it on his desk,” said his father. “He started it in October, but did not finish it until a couple weeks ago.”

“He said he was ‘too angry’ to go on,” Peter's dad explained.

Now that’s what you call passion. Check out Peter’s letter to First Lady Michelle Obama below.