CNN has really been in the practice of putting their foot in their mouth lately…aaaaand it’s hilarious!
Ananya Vinay, the 12-year-old girl who recently won the Scripps National Spelling Bee, was interviewed on CNN by Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo after her victory.
Without fail, Camerota asked Vinay if she could spell the now-infamous President Trump Twitter flub word, “covfefe.”
“So Ananya, we have a challenge for you,” Camerota said. “We’d like you to spell a word. It has recently become popular. Not sure if you’re familiar with it, or you know the definition. Do you know the word, “covfefe?”
Camerota achieved something spectacular while asking Vinay the question, too. Not only did Camerota deliver the question with all sincerity, but she did so while being nauseatingly condescending.
When Vinay asked for the definition, Cuomo responded in his typical smart-ass fashion with, “Good question.”
CNN then decided to put up this definition, as if it were totally legitimate:
(n?) a word first used by the 45th President of the United States this week in a late-night tweet.
“despite the constant negative press covfefe”
When asked for the language of origin, both Camerota and Cuomo answered, “gibberish.” Camerota then met her own intelligence level by trying out different pronunciations of “covfefe.”
However, Camerota wasn’t done -- she just had to give her blithering insight into the origin of the fake word.
Unfortunately for Camerota, her explanation left a little to be desired. And boy, it was kinda racist.
“It, again, is a nonsense word, so we’re not sure that its root is in Sanskrit,” Camerota said, “which is probably what, uh, you’re used to using.”
Wow! No joke, I laughed for a good couple minutes in shock as I couldn’t believe that came out of Camerota’s mouth.
Sanskrit is one of the 22 official languages of India, according to the Technology Development Group.
CNN = Covfefe Nihilism Network
For video of the interview, watch below (racist part comes in at the 3:25 mark):