CNN Tweets About Putting #FactsFirst, and the Responses Are Hilarious

Brittany M. Hughes | October 23, 2017

Going for the gold medal in the Irony Olympics Monday, CNN tweeted their commitment to always putting #FactsFirst using a weird reference to an apple.

Here was the remarkably self-unaware tweet, assumedly posted by some poor CNN lackey who still thinks the network gives two rips about the truth:

It’s more than a little mock-able, considering the network’s spent the last year peddling Russia conspiracy theories, slamming the Trump administration, pushing biological lies in support of the gay agenda, and still has a typical media’s BFF relationship with Planned "It's Just a Clump of Cells" Parenthood.

Of course, Twitter users were quick to point out the 782 levels of irony to CNN’s tweet Here are just a few.

To remind, CNN has had a consistently poor relationship with objective truth in recent memory -- including, for example, their erroneous claim that Philando Castile was killed by a white cop, their harping about the repeatedly debunked "gun show loophole" in firearms purchases, and, of course, the ridiculous notion that Trump has openly embraced white supremacy, just to name a few. Probably not the best time to launch a "Facts First" campaign.

If your stock and trade is in pushing leftist propaganda, don’t tweet about the “facts.” No one’s biting that apple.