CNN Producer: ‘All Agree Layoffs Are Coming’

Eric Scheiner | May 16, 2019

Even after having more than 100 employees take part in a job “buyout” plan, the cable network frequently associated with “Fake News” may suffer even more job cutbacks.

In a recent story, The Hollywood Reporter claims CNN employees are bracing for impending layoffs.

'Everybody is bracing for a reorganization,' a longtime senior producer told The Hollywood Reporter. 'There are all kinds of rumors about impending layoffs. Some think they will come this summer. Others say a big layoff won’t happen until after the election. All agree layoffs are coming, though.'

'We keep getting told no layoffs are pending,' another senior producer said. 'But CNN routinely has layoffs, so I think everyone thinks it’s coming.'

CNN says no layoffs are planned for the near future.

The news comes after the latest ratings show CNN lost 26% of it’s audience since April of 2018. In fact, more people tuned in to watch the 2018 Little League Baseball World Series than watch CNN.