CNN Contributor with History of Anti-Semitism Fired After Tweeting, 'The World Today Needs a Hitler'

Nick Kangadis | May 17, 2021

What?! You’re telling me that a leftist is an anti-Semite who would have no problem with the eradication of Jewish people and the destruction of Israel? Come on! You gotta be pulling my leg!

All sarcasm aside, CNN has reportedly fired contributor Adeel Raja for tweeting that “The world today needs a Hitler,” which isn’t the first time Raja praised Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler.

The current tweet in question was, of course, deleted, but a screenshot of the tweet can be seen below:


As noted above, this wasn’t the first time that Raja painted Hitler in a positive light.

The Daily Mail reported that Raja posted two separate tweets in 2014, only a day apart, in which he praised Hitler.

“The only reason I am supporting Germany in the [2014 World Cup] finals is — Hitler was a German and he did good with those jews!” Raja reportedly tweeted on July 12, 2014.

“Hail Hitler!” Raja tweeted the next day.

Also according to the Daily Mail, CNN released a statement saying that Raja’s “reporting contributed to some news gathering efforts from Islamabad. However, in light of these abhorrent statements, he will not be working with CNN again in any capacity.”

The Washington Examiner reported that Raja has been contributing to CNN since August 2013.