CNN Alters Article Mind-Reading Trump Tweets After Being Called 'Fake News'

Craig Bannister | January 12, 2017

After being called out as “fake news” by President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday, CNN has altered an online post claiming to divine what Trump actually “means” by what he tweets.

As MRCTV reported on Monday,’s Amanda Wills had, apparently, taken to mind-reading in her article promising to tell readers "What Trump tweets vs. What Trump means." The article posted and provided combative “Context” and rebuttal to selected Trump Tweets.

But, that changed the day after Trump called CNN “fake news” and refused to recognize its reporter in a contentious run-in at Wednesday’s press conference.

Here’s the original article’s headline and format, as of Tuesday:

And, here’s the new headline and article:

The original article's url now redirects to

In fact, if you Google search the headline "What Trump tweets vs. What Trump means," the top two returns are the new and old headlines - both of which send you to the new article:

The new version lists all tweets by Trump, not just those CNN wants to discredit, as reflected by the headline change from:

"What Trump tweets vs. What Trump means"


“All of Trump's tweets as president-elect”

While it still presents “Some Context” in some cases, it does so only for selected Tweets and, in most cases, actually does provide additional background information on the topic.

And, in response to a CNN-bashing Tweet by Trump on Thursday, CNN simply and respectfully replied, “We disagree with this. Here’s why,” linking to a statement reaffirming its commitment to responsible journalism.

All this begs the question: why has CNN become so obsessed with Trump's Tweets that it feels a need to publicly scrutinize each and every one of them - and why didn't they do this with past presidents?

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