Clinton Compares GOP to Nazis: Want to 'Round Up' Illegals, 'Put BOXCARS'

ashley.rae | August 28, 2015

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told reporters Republicans want to round up illegal immigrants and put them on “boxcars," in an apparent allusion to Nazi death trains.

Just yesterday, Clinton compared Republicans to terrorists when discussing pro-life politics.

Today, when asked by a reporter how she would deal with the illegal immigration dilemma, Clinton responded by saying Republicans want to “round them up” and put them on “boxcars”:

“Well, I’m glad you asked me that, because I know that there are some on the other side who are seriously advocating to deport 11, 12 million people who are working here. I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive law-enforcement effort, including, perhaps, National Guard and others, to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up, put them—I don’t know—in buses, boxcars, in order to take them across our border.

I just find that not only absurd, but appalling.”