Climate Radicals Vandalize Volkswagen Showroom While Dressed as Vegetables, Animals and Foliage

Erin Aitcheson | December 2, 2015

A horse, a carrot, and a tree all walk into a car showroom ... and completely trash the whole place.

No, that’s not a punchline to a joke. It’s one of the “climate games” that took place in Brussels, Belgium on Dec. 1. A city that remains on high alert for terrorism, since it was just weeks ago that Belgian law enforcement were conducting raids and a manhunts for the ISIS militants responsible for terror attacks in Paris

In spite of the very real threat of terror, a group of environmental alarmists dressed as animals, vegetables, and various foliage burst into a Volkswagen showroom and vandalized it, in the name of climate justice. The group’s rampage was just a drop in the bucket of what activists want to do in Paris during the Climate Conference (dubbed COP21) taking place from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11.

“We are not fighting for nature, we are nature defending itself,” a person dressed up as a rabbit proudly screeched as fellow climate cuckoos chanted along. That’s the official catchphrase of the Climate Games, a global call for climate activists to take part in the “largest Disobedient Action Adventure Game” in order to put pressure on leaders for climate solutions.

In a video, it appears to be more three-ring circus and less of a climate demonstration as protesters burst in a Volkswagen dealership and prance around as they dump leaves, shout demands, and deface cars. The environmentalists may call them “games,” but a mob storming into a private business in order to deface and destroy property is no game, it’s a crime.

Climate activists will undoubtedly claim they’re just getting their message across, even when the behavior is criminal and the timing reckless.