Chinese Media Praise Trump

Zach Montanaro | November 15, 2016

China was a frequent target for then-candidate Donald Trump, who promised to label China a currency manipulator and bring trade cases against China.

On Tuesday, however, China’s state-run media had nothing but good things to say about now president-elect Trump.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trump spoke by phone on Monday, a conversation that pro-nationalist newspaper Global Times said was “diplomatically impeccable and has bolstered optimism over bilateral relations in the next four years,” according to a report by Yahoo.

"Trump is probably the very American leader who will make strides in reshaping major-power relations in a pragmatic manner," the paper added. It drew contrast from what it called President Obama’s “Cold War-shaped outlook” on foreign policy, to Trump’s views that "have not been kidnapped by Washington's political elites."

The paper also praised Trump’s experience and ideology, saying that they "match well with the new era.”

According to a statement that was released by Trump’s transition team, Trump and Jinping "established a clear sense of mutual respect for one another,” adding that Trump “believes the two leaders will have one of the strongest relationships for both countries moving forward.”

The government-run newspaper China Daily said that the two leader’s chat was "propitious,” and expressed relief that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, popularly known as TPP, was “ever less likely to materialize,” calling the deal “exclusive, economically inefficient, [and] politically antagonizing.”

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