Chicago Public Schools is willing to risk its students’ safety and privacy (and sanity) it seems, announcing a sweeping, districtwide transgender bathroom policy.
So now bathrooms are basically unisex for all Chicago public school kids from grades K-12. That’s not weird at all.
RedState reported on December 6 about Chicago Public Schools officially declaring that their bathroom policy is done only allowing people to use them based on their concrete, biological sex. It has now opened them up to be used according to how someone personally identifies in regards to gender and sex.
Sure, one young person may have lady parts, but under this new policy “he” could very well end up standing at a urinal next to your young, very confused biological male son. Hopefully your boy’s state-enforced sex ed classes prepare him for this puzzling moment.
The policy change came on November 27, with Title IX Officers (responsible with “monitoring and implementing the district's compliance with state and federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination”) Camie Pratt and Deb Spraggins declaring the news via an official Chicago Public School PSA.
There cannot be true equity in our district without gender equity for our students and staff. Learn about how we’re requiring all schools to adopt new signage to make our restrooms more inclusive.
— CPS - Chicago Public Schools (@ChiPubSchools) November 27, 2021
In a joint speech, the two ladies announced that county restrooms will be made “more inclusive.” One began by saying, “On top of ensuring that each of our schools is a safe learning environment, we’re also taking steps to create more inclusive and supportive schools. One change that will be implemented this school year relates to our school bathrooms.”
The video continued with the state mouthpieces telling CPS parents that, “In compliance with new federal guidelines, all CPS students and staff will have fair and equitable access to bathroom facilities that align with their gender identity.” How wonderful.
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And for the female students made uncomfortable by biological males sitting in the stalls next to them, they get nothing.
Even more hilarious (in a depraved way of course), is that the city will be introducing more inclusive bathroom signs, because somehow that will help parents and students make sense of this mess. The Title IX officers added, “We will be providing all schools with updated signage that makes our bathrooms more inclusive.”
They also explained that said signs “will identify the fixtures available in each restroom and make it clear that all restrooms are open for use by anyone who feels comfortable.” RedState described these signs, writing, ‘the new signs will trumpet ‘Girls+’ and ‘Boys+’ while stating, ‘All who feel comfortable are welcome to use this restroom.’”
Isn’t this so much more complicated than what it was before?
The clip ended with the stipulation that all CPS need to have this new signage by December 1, 2021. Though the real CPS we are wondering about right now is Child Protective Services. Where are they when you need them to put a stop to these dangerous policies?