A total of 140 cases of assault against border agents have been reported in the last three months alone, according to data recently published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. And I’m guessing you haven’t heard about a single one on the 6 o’clock news.
MRCTV reported in June that as of April 30, there had been 281 reported assaults against border patrol personnel since Oct. 1. But CBP’s most recently published data states that as of July 31, there were a reported 421 assaults against border agents so far in FY2016, reflecting another 140 assaults.
This is a 17 percent increase over the same time frame in FY2015.
Not surprisingly, the vast majority of assaults against border agents are against U.S. Border Patrol, the agency branch charged with apprehending illegal aliens and drug runners crossing the border in between ports of entry. The number of assaults against USBP agents account for 341 (about 81 percent) of all assaults reported by the CBP, including this agent who got beamed in the face with a rock by a human smuggler, and this one who was beaten by an illegal alien border crosses.
However, assaults against agents in CBP’s Office of Field Operations, the branch that oversees immigration at all U.S. ports of entry, has jumped from a mere eight in FY2015 to 52 so far in FY2016 – a massive increase of 550 percent.
Of course, this doesn’t stop law enforcement detractors like the ultra-liberal, pro-amnesty Mother Jones from pointing out every possible flaw with U.S. border agents, including that they aren’t “doing enough to secure the borderlands against illegal drugs and gang activity.” The rag recently penned a hit piece targeting CBP as a “scandal-plagued” agency that runs around shooting people willy-nilly, despite the fact that its use of force has dropped dramatically over the past several years even as illegal immigration and assaults on border agents rise.
For example, Mother Jones writes of CBP’s excessive violence:
Several of those incidents involving the Border Patrol have gained nationwide attention. In 2011, Jesús Alfredo Yañez Reyes was shot in the head after allegedly throwing rocks and a nail-studded board at Border Patrol agents attempting to take his companion into custody.
You know, I really hadn’t made plans to cry over that one. But then again, if Blue Lives don’t matter, I guess ones who wear the green don’t, either.