The state of California is suing a gym for not allowing men into women’s locker rooms. Which, back in the days of sanity, we used to just call "duh."
Apparently, dealing with the state’s rampant homeless population, $427 billion debt bill (and climbing), woefully failing education system and San Francisco’s little problem with being covered in dirty needles and human feces weren’t occupying enough of the state bureaucrats' time.
So somewhere in between running mentally ill homeless folks out of their roadside encampments and writing taxpayer-backed checks to illegal aliens, California found the resources to sue Crunch Fitness in El Cajon after the gym allegedly denied a transgender woman – i.e., a biological man – access to their women’s locker room and changing facilities.
Christynne Wood, 61, says a gym worker told him back in early 2017 that he couldn’t use the women’s changing area because he had not yet undergone sex reassignment surgery. Instead of recognizing how perfectly rational it is for a gym not to want a man undressing in their women's locker room, Wood filed a complaint with the state against the gym and one of its owners.
The gym reportedly ended up relenting last September and letting him use the women's facilities, but Wood says he's still going ahead with his lawsuit.
The state sued the gym last month.
From the San Diego Union Tribune:
Wood said that even though the gym ultimately granted her access to the women’s facility in September, the suit was “terribly necessary.”
“What happens when the next transgender man or woman shows up and doesn’t have access to the awesome resources that were available to me?” Wood said in an interview.
Of course, this begs the question: who sticks up for the woman who’s standing there in a sports bra when a 6’2” male stranger comes strolling into her locker room in a towel, and there’s exactly zero she can do about it?
Not the state of California, apparently.
(Cover Photo: Ted Eytan)