If politicians actually cared about the safety of the people, then why do they sacrifice the country’s national security just so they can say they, kind of, stood up to President Donald Trump? The politicians get to give speeches about their “stance” against supposed tyranny, while the people are the ones who suffer.
In order to fluff his peacock feathers, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is reportedly requiring “several hundred” National Guard troops from his state’s border with Mexico. The move, of course, has nothing really to do with the what’s actually going at the border. It’s simply a tact Newsom is using because he disagrees with President Donald Trump about border security.
According to the Los Angeles Times:
Speaking to reporters Monday, Newsom said he was giving the National Guard a new mission so that troops would not take part in the White House’s “political theater” in perpetuation of what he once more called “a manufactured border crisis.”[…]
Newsom’s general order reassigns more than 200 troops to support wildfire prevention efforts and expand operations to counter drugs and cartels across California, with a group of forces trained in spotting narcotics to be stationed at the state’s international points of entry.
What a dolt! You know how you “counter drugs and cartels across California?" You secure the border, genius! Where does Newsom think the cartels primarily enter the U.S.?
“This whole thing is the theater of the absurd, and California has had enough, and we will not perpetuate it,” Newsom said. “We are, however, interested in doing the right thing and supporting efforts that are real, not manufactured.”
It’s funny that Newsom would use the term “theater,” since California would know better than anyone how to put on an act.
H/T: Fox News