Buffalo Bills Reporter Tweets Woke Take On Practice Soundtrack

John Simmons | August 23, 2022
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Buffalo Bills reporters have a lot of exciting content to discuss this year. Whether it’s the positive impact their numerous offseason acquisitions will have, the elite status of quarterback Josh Allen, or the team's realistic shot at winning its first Super Bowl in history, the amount of content is endless.

But for Bills AP reporter John Wawrow, something far more important was deserving of his attention on Monday. He was more worried about the fact that songs by female artists aren’t on the soundtrack that frequently accompanies team practices.

No, I’m not making that up.

I guarantee you that no one within the Bills organization, any other reporter on the scene, or any normal human being, cared about this. 

Soundtracks are meant to help athletes increase their energy levels and mental focus, and male and female athletes will usually play songs from artists that share their gender (a radical concept, I know). The fact that the Bills don’t often have female artists blaring on their speakers during practice should not be surprising, but rather expected. 

Surprisingly, a lot of people on Twitter -- a place where the average IQ of users is often not very high - called out Warwow’s nonsensical and irrelevant observation in some pretty witty and hilarious ways.

When you try to be a woke virtue-signaler, people will use your own illogical words and worldviews against you. Claiming the Bills are not inclusive enough because of their choice of music is about as lame as it gets.