UNSOLVED MYSTERY: Woman Complains She Can't Find a Job

Brittany M. Hughes | April 22, 2024
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A...er...woman? Took to social media to complain about being rejected from a potential job at TJMaxx, saying that while the retail chain swore up and down it didn't turn her down thanks to her tattoos, she believes otherwise. 

And while I'm generally inclined to believe the store - their reasoning seemed solid, after all - it wouldn't shock me if this person's physical appearance was a factor in her getting a resounding "no" on her application, considering that she looks like this:

Herein lies the rub with all these people, who seem to be cropping up in greater and greater numbers throughout society demanding everyone treat them as perfectly normal humans.

If you want to tattoo the mess out of your face, be my guest. There’s no law against inking your neck with demon imagery or scrawling weird occult signs all over your forehead. Just like there’s no law against putting forty studs through your cheeks and lips, or for that matter, dying your eyeballs green or implanting fake horns in your scalp. Want to die your hair purple? Fine. Want to walk around in a giant parrot costume? No one's gonna arrest you.

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If you’re a bearded dude who wants to wear fishnet stockings and high heels, I can’t stop you. If you’re a woman who identifies as a cat and walks around meow-ing at everyone and licking yourself, there’s no mandate saying you can’t.

In fact, all across America, you can participate in nearly every form of public idiocy you want, provided you aren’t presenting a physical threat, hindrance, or indecent exposure in some way (although there’s an argument to be made for burning other people’s retinas with your extreme weirdness).

But for the love of all that is holy, stop demanding everyone else simply accept your particular form of insanity and refashion societal rules to accommodate it.

And while you’re at it, maybe see if the circus has an opening.

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