Here's a thing I never thought I'd have to say, back before the world went and lost its ever-loving mind: if you're a dude, and you look like a dude, and you sound like a dude, and you're built like a dude, don't be surprised when strangers refer to you as, you know, a dude.
Which, again, is a basic fact that one never really felt the need to specify or explain - until the transgender movement came along and began demanding we all learn an infinite number of pronouns and recognize exactly which moments to assume that the clear male standing before us believes himself to be a female. It gets all kinds of confusing - but remember, you'd better get it right, or you'll end up like this poor pizza shop employee who found himself being harassed, doxxed, and posted all over the internet for daring to "misgender" a man with a mental delusion.
While it's unclear exactly what led to the confrontation, video taken by the (very obviously) biological male and posted to social media shows him demanding to know whether a guy at a pizza shop believes him to be a girl.
Trans YouTuber bullies and degrades a pizza man who barely speaks English for “misgendering” him
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 3, 2023
"Do you think I look like a girl?" the dude demands, in a very distinctly tenor voice (because after all, this is totally about confirming this guy's gender identity, and not at all about fulfilling a narcissistic need for attention.)
To which the heavily accented employee pauses before answering, "I don't understand."
Me either, my man.
Related: The Left’s Goal: Make Everyone As Miserable and Angry As They Are
The irritated,, gender-confused man continues to ask the employee if he thinks he's really a she. Finally, the employee says, "I think you're a boy."
"I'm a girl," the guy fires back.
What follows is nothing short of prolonged harassment in which the trans guy calls the man "ugly" and refuses to eat the pizza before shoving his phone in the man's face and accusing him of intentionally misgendering a trans person out of hate. To his credit, the pizza guy stays pretty calm, grinning while the unhinged dude goes on a tirade about how "mean" he is.
Just a heads up, for anyone like this who might on day stumble into my path: if you're a very obvious man - pigtails or no - who demands I call you a girl before giving me a lecture about how hateful I am? I'm not going to smile.
I'm just going to full-on bust out laughing. Feel free to be as offended as you like.
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— MRCTV (@mrctv) December 3, 2023
The Left’s Goal: Make Everyone As Miserable and Angry As They Are
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