Ontario Mayor Says He Won't Pay $5K Fine For Not Declaring 'Pride Month'

Brittany M. Hughes | December 5, 2024
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The mayor of an Ontario township targeted by the alphabet community is saying he has no plans to pay up after being fined thousands for refusing to kowtow to the LGBTQ mafia's demands.

Mayor Harold McQuaker, who runs the 1,186-person township of Emo, says he won't be paying a $5,000 fine levied on him personally after the township, under his leadership, declined to declare "Pride Month" and refused to fly a rainbow "Pride" flag over their town's facilities in June of 2020.A  “human rights” tribunal recently ruled the township was guilty of "discrimination" after an LGBTQ rights advocacy group complained, ordering McQuaker to pay $5,000 and the township to pay about $10,000 for the offense. 

The tribunal also demanded McQuaker and the municipality’s Chief Administrative Officer both complete a "Human Rights 101" training course from the Ontario Human Rights Commission within 30 days.

McQuaker says he has no plans to do either.

“I utterly refuse to pay the $5,000 because that’s extortion,” McQuaker told The Toronto Sun, adding that it's up to the Emo town council to determine if the city will pay its own fine.

“I have a lot of respect for our four councillors,” said the mayor. “We have a special meeting of council, and they will decide that and what to do next. Either pay the fine or appeal it.”