Middlebury College Grad Goes On Unhinged Anti-Trump Rant During Speech

Brittany M. Hughes | February 3, 2025
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The valedictorian at Middlebury College in Vermont had an emotional breakdown during her graduation speech over the weekend, going on an unhinged anti-Trump rant chock full of leftist talking points and Ivory Tower propaganda.

Clad in a contradictory rainbow scarf and a keffiyeh, graduating senior Faith Wood, who identified herself as a “film, media, culture and environmental studies major,” in case that tells you what we’re working with here, launched into her bitter tirade by accusing her $67,000-a-year college of “failing its students” by not pushing back on Trump’s policies or doing enough to stop violence in the Gaza Strip.

“When our hearts break, let them break open like pomegranates, and burst with seeds that can take root,” she blathered on, channeling her inner 8th grade creative writing class.

“We are literally graduating the same month that a fascist is taking office,” the young woman went on, blasting Trump for “pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement for the second time, denied the existence of trans people, and unleashed a slew of ICE agents to arrest an average go 1,000 people every single day.”

Of course, all of those have been criminal aliens with convictions including rape, murder, assault, DUI, and drug crimes. But I’m sure she didn’t learn that in Indoctrination 101.

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She then pivoted, with no clear segue, into a tirade about Gaza, claiming that Middlebury College - which has faced scrutiny over the past year for turning a blind eye to open antiSemitism on campus - is complicit in “genocide” against Gaza’s by refusing to divest all ties to Israel, before encouraging her listeners to pull their donations to the school.

"Here's one thing you can do. Open up the pamphlets people have been handing out and pledge to donate any money you would have to Middlebury to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency,” she said.

Now normally, I’d say the school should refuse to platform any graduate who openly calls for donors to pull their funding from the very institution that’s giving them their degree. After all, if you hate your school so much, you shouldn’t be benefitting from their diploma.

Then again, it’s hard to feel bad for a school that gets bit by the very dog it’s bred.