IRONY: Fetterman Says America 'Is Not Sending Their Best and Brightest to Washington'

Brittany M. Hughes | October 12, 2023
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Tell me: when you think of a congressman who's in a good position to throw shade on his fellow representatives for not being the brightest bulbs in the Capitol chandelier, do you think of John Fetterman?

Probably not. But that didn't stop Lurch, whose most recent claim to fame was forcing the Senate to adopt an official dress code after showing up looking like a hobo passing a bottle of cheap booze around a trashcan fire, from claiming his colleagues on Capitol Hill aren't exactly batting a thousand when it comes to IQ.

"You all need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.,” Fetterman told The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert Monday, as the audience laughed.

“Sometimes you literally just can’t believe, you know, these people are making the decisions that are determining the government here. It’s actually scary,” he continued.

Like, perhaps, a senator who wears gym clothes on the Senate floor? Who can barely get a coherent sentence out? Who can’t hear questions from reporters, who spent months out of his first year in office holed up in Walter Reed Medical Center with depression so bad he couldn’t get out of bed?

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Like that, maybe?

Twitter was quick to point out the irony of a sweatshirt-clad Fetterman suggesting that his fellow congressmen leave something intellectual to be desired.

To be fair, Fetterman’s not wrong in pointing out that the halls of Congress seem to be filled with clowns, buffoons, and hapless idiots - and that’s to say nothing of the out-and-out liars, cheats, and thieves.

But just to be nice here, we’ll let John determine if he wants to be the pot or the kettle in this one.

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