Indiana Mom Freed After Admitting To Killing 2-Month-Old Baby While High

Brittany M. Hughes | April 18, 2024
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An Indianapolis mom walked free after admitting to suffocating her two-month-old baby when she was high on meth. So that’s how our justice system is working out these days.

Judge Mark Stoner found Dacia Lacey not guilty of neglect resulting in death, despite the fact that Lacey had ‘fessed up to smothering her baby when she was high because she wanted to sleep and the baby wouldn’t stop crying.

"She was actually sitting in my lap and crying on my shoulder, and had said that she did her baby wrong and said that she had smothered her baby,” lead detective Jamie Davis testified during the trial. “Basically, she said that she was high, and she was tired, and Alona had been crying. Ultimately, she ended up picking up Alona and facing her towards the crease in the couch. So, if you have the back of the couch and then the seating area, she placed her faced toward the crease.”

Lacey’s three-year-old daughter also repeatedly told investigators that her mother had put a pillow over the baby’s face because the child wouldn’t stop crying. Toxicology confirmed meth in Lacey’s system the day the baby died. Prosecutors charged her with neglect resulting in death.

Even still, Stoner said there was no proof Lacey had neglected her child - since, apparently, suffocating a crying baby in a couch while high as a kite doesn’t meet the standards of “neglect” - because there was no proven pattern or history of physical abuse.

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"Not everything that's a mistake or everything that is wrong is criminal," Stoner said. "Something has to be done with criminal intent, criminal responsibility, and that's what the defendant is charged with. When the state chooses to charge an individual, they must prove they did something with criminal intent. Poor parenting, by definition, is not criminal.”

No, but killing a child is…?

The judge told Lacey he hopes she "learns from this behavior" that you "cannot go out an party on the weekend and be with children."

The moral of the story: apparently you can do a bunch of drugs, get mad because your newborn baby is crying, stuff their face into a couch cushion until they stop breathing, and then get away with it so long as you didn't "intend" to do something wrong. But if you're a pro-lifer who stands outside abortion clinics praying and offering to help expecting mothers in need, you get thrown in the slammer and face 10+ years in prison.

Great standards we've got here.

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