The Daily Show Asked Black Voters If They Support Trump or Biden - and It Didn't Go As Planned

Brittany M. Hughes | July 11, 2024
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A "Daily Show" focus group asked six Black New Yorkers who they planned to vote for in the November presidential election - and suffice it to say, it did not go as planned.

"Do I have to say his name? I don’t want to, but more than likely, it’s going to be Trump,” the first man up said, prompting a disgusted sneer from the woman next to him, who said she was voting for Biden. The second man said he agreed with the woman.

But things unraveled quickly from there.

The fourth voter, a woman, unhesitatingly said she was voting for Trump. The young man next to her answered Biden, but the sixth person - another woman - said Trump was her pick, hands down.

Which means that not only did exactly half of the focus group say they were Team Trump, but two out to the three women present said they were siding with the Republican candidate on this one - all of which shocked the host, who openly said he "did not see that coming."

When asked why they’d get behind Trump over Biden, Team Trump told the absolutely flabbergasted moderator that they’d simply had enough of Democrats who promised a bunch of stuff and then failed to deliver after Election Day.

"For me, I have always been a Democrat, and it’s like, for the most part, with the Democratic Party, they always make a bunch of promises that they cannot deliver," the first man said.

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"You know, they use the issues of the African American community as a soapbox to stand on and make promises just to get us to come out and vote, and then once we vote and everyone’s in place, it’s like, well, what happened?" one of the women followed up.

One Trump-supporting woman said that while both candidates have said and done things she didn’t like, Biden had simply “dropped the ball.”

Multiple polls conducted in recent weeks show Trump leading Biden heading into the 2024 election, albeit most within a margin of error. A New York Times/Siena College poll from late June showed that while 65 percent of Black respondents unsurprisingly said they were voting for Biden, a full 26 percent said they’d pick Trump, marking an increase in Black support for Trump from 2020.

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