Actor, Director Baffled By Reporter's Question About Why a Film Set In 1700s Denmark Isn't More 'Diverse'

Brittany M. Hughes | September 8, 2023
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When HBO’s Bill Maher recently claimed that “woke” crusaders resemble the Ku Klux Klan in their constant quest to put race ahead of everything else, he couldn’t have been more right. And his point was only evidenced further by one journalist’s moronic question about why a new film about a bunch of Nords living in the 1700s didn’t include more people of color.

Which should be fairly obvious…and yet.

“The Promised Land,” a new film directed by Nikolaj Arcel and starring Mads Mikkelsen, tells the true story of Ludvig Kahlen, a Danish explorer, and his attempt to conquer the harsh, uninhabitable heathland and build a colony. And, as one would expect for a film about a bunch of Danish people in the 1700s, the film’s full of white folks - a travesty which, despite its historical accuracy, is a big no-no for the race-baiting left and their feverish thirst for inclusivity at all (factual) costs.

An unnamed journalist quizzed Arcel and Mikkelsen about the movie’s lack of diversity during a press briefing following a recent screening of the film.

“This is a cast and Danish production, which is entirely Nordic, it therefore has some lack of diversity you would say, there’s also new rules implied in Hollywood-” the journalist begins.

“What are you on to, from the get-go?” a baffled Mikkelsen responds, laughing at the obvious ridiculousness of the question.

“There are some rules of diversity in competing for Best Picture. You don’t live up to these standards in this broadcast...are you worried about that?” the journalist asks, referencing new diversity requirements laid down by the Academy Awards, as Mikkelsen shakes his head in bewilderment.

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“Are you? You’re putting us on the spot, so you answer the question,” Mikkelsen said.

Arcel then makes a valiant - and mostly straight-faced - attempt to answer the journalist’s question, pointing out that "the film takes place in Demark in the 1750s."

“We do have a big plot line about a girl of color, who is being subjected to racism,” he added. “And that was very rare, any people of color in Denmark, almost nobody. She was probably at the time the only one in the entire country.”

“So I would say…it has not been…it wasn’t a thought in our mind, I think it would be little weird  if…it’s just a historical…how it was in the 1750s,” Arcel said.

Ah, yes. But how things are must always give way to how the left wishes them to be - whether it’s rewriting history, redefining words, or refuting biology. Perhaps if only Arcel had thought to stock his cast with a few more trans women, a couple of indigenous South Americans, and a non-binary immigrant gay couple, he’d have a shot at making Best Picture.

I mean, the movie wouldn’t make any sense, of course, but when has making sense ever been a priority for the woke left?