The leader of Britain’s Brexit movement, Nigel Farage, was recently at a Liberty Nation event in DC, where he told the crowd the liberal media regards him as “the devil incarnate.”
He says the liberal media still hasn’t “got to grips” with the results of the Brexit vote or the U.S. presidential election.
“Such is the attitude of the establishment,” Farage said. “They think they know better than us how we should live our lives. And they have done their best over the last couple of decades to take away from us the opportunity for us to express our opinion – and what we did in 2016, with Brexit and with Trump is we said ‘the hell with you, we know how we want to live our lives, we know who we want to govern us and we want you gone.’”
Farage says the political establishment and the liberal media continue to belittle him and supporters of President Donald Trump, because they have failed to come to terms with what voters decided.
For more on Farage’s address and his thoughts on Hillary Clinton and King George the III- watch the video above.