Border Patrol Eyes Device to Give Illegal Aliens Flat Tires, ‘Alter the Threat Perception’

Craig Bannister | January 6, 2015

In an effort to “alter the threat perception” by its agents, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is developing a device to remotely flatten the tires of illegal aliens, a year-end CBP review reports.

The CBP’s 2014 fiscal year annual report says the device will enable border officers to flatten tires remotely “from a safe distance”:

“CBP is testing less lethal options, with enhanced range capabilities, to alter the threat perception by CBP agents and officers and provide agents and officers with other safe tactics designed to minimize injury to officers or other persons.

“For example, CBP began testing and evaluating the NightHawk control tire deflation device last January. This device will provide CBP officers and agents with an improved ability to address vehicular threats from a safe distance by deflating the vehicle’s tires.”

Using NightHawk’s “vehicle pursuit termination system,” officers will be able to hide safely off to the side and shoot tire-deflating spike strips onto the road just before the illegal alien’s vehicle arrives. The spike strip can then be immediately retracted to prevent damage to the tires of other traffic.

The product’s website explains:

If you need to stop a moving vehicle, PSEMC’s NightHawk® is the ideal equipment for safe and reliable vehicle pursuit management. The NightHawk lightweight, portable vehicle pursuit termination system deploys Stop Stick®’s spike strips faster and safer than traditional hand-thrown systems, all while remotely deploying and retracting Stop Stick vehicle pursuit termination technology to deflate tires from a safe standoff distance.

Features include:

  • Remote deployment, keeping you safe and out of the way – covert operation
  • Remote retraction from a safe standoff distance
  • Non-disruption to thru-traffic flow
  • Deploys/retracts faster and safer than hand-emplaced technologies
  • Effective in various terrains
  • Controlled tire deflation rate
  • Will not blowout tires
  • No debris left on roadway, NightHawk uses proven Spike Strip Technology
  • Lightweight
  • Teflon® coated quills
  • Spikes are omnidirectional and reliable – proven technology

The CBP has conducted its initial product testing and is awaiting requested modifications from the manufacturer.