Biden Says 'Some' White People Want to Bring Back Public Lynchings...For the Pictures

Brittany M. Hughes | February 20, 2023
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President Joe Biden, being the real Unifier In Chief that he is, claimed during remarks at the White House last week that “some” white people still want to see black people beaten, castrated, and hanged in the streets so they can take pictures and send them as postcards.

Speaking during a White House screening of the movie “Till,” which details the 1955 murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till and his mother’s pursuit for justice after her son was beaten and shot to death for allegedly whistling at a white woman in Mississippi, Biden used the film to segue into a speech boasting about how he’d signed a law last year making lynching a federal hate crime (despite the fact that murder is already illegal) before claiming that some white Americans want to start torturing and killing black people in the streets for fun.

"You know, folks, lynching is pure terror, enforcing the lie that not everyone belongs in America and not everyone is created equal, pure terror to systematically undermine hard fought civil rights, innocent men, women, children hung by a noose from trees, bodies burned, drowned, castrated," Biden said. "Their crimes? Trying to vote, trying to go to school, trying to own a business, trying to preach the gospel, false -- false accusations of murder, arson, robbery. Lynched for simply being black, nothing more, with white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards." 

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"Hard to believe, but that's what was done. And some people still want to do that," he said.

Biden then added that “Hate never goes away. It just hides under the rocks until it's given a little oxygen by lousy people.”

Ah, the power of backwards thinking.

While Biden's comments may be disgusting, they're hardly a surprise given that the president has a storied history of making racially divisive comments and driving the false notion that white people, particularly conservatives, somehow hate their black countrymen. Back in 2012, when running as Vice President alongside incumbent President Barack Obama, Biden told an audience of black listeners that the Republican Party led by then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney wanted to put black people "back in chains" simply because they didn't agree with Democrats on banking regulations.

It seems that in the absence of actual solutions to historic inflation, a border crisis, urban violence, a failing education system and crumbling infrastructure, Biden's only ace in the hole is to dredge up 70-year-old divisions and use them to sow more hatred.