Biden Makes Up Southern Saying At Campaign Stop In Florida

John Simmons | November 2, 2022
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President Joe Biden has been saying confusing things since before the start of his presidency. He produced another befuddling and funny quote on Tuesday.

Speaking at a campaign in Florida, Biden attempted to borrow a saying from Southern slang to make a point about how he felt about Medicare. The only problem is, the saying is not a part of any common vernacular, and it is completely made up.

Talk about failing miserably at trying to cater to our crowd.

While Biden has been a president that has done far more to damage America than make it prosper, it is sad to see him basically functioning on life support as a person. The free leader of the free world should be far more coherent and capable when speaking this, and be more mentally engaged as a whole when performing his duties. Pathetic.

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