Biden Claims The Economy Is 'Strong As Hell' While Chowing Down Overpriced Ice Cream

Brittany M. Hughes | October 16, 2022
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President Joe Biden chowed down on a double-scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream while mumbling about how the American economy is “strong as hell,” even as inflation continues to remain painfully high and a majority of Americans say they’re having to cut back on spending just to afford basic necessities like food.

“Are you concerned about the strength of the economy right now?” a reporter asked as Biden crammed a mouthful of waffle cone into his piehole.

“I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world,” Biden said. “Does that make sense?”

Narrator: No.

Related: Media See No Big Deal With Biden ‘Lying & Buying'

Clearly as confused as the rest of us, the reporter asked, “Can you explain that?”

“Yes. Our economy is strong as hell, internally,” Biden…er, clarified? “Inflation is worldwide. Worse off for everyone else than it is for the United States.”

“The problem is, the lack of economic growth and sound policies in other countries, not so much ours. It’s worldwide inflation…it’s consequential,” he concluded, before seeming to lose interest and simply wandering away with his dessert.

Turns out the only thing that melts faster than a double heap of chocolate chip is Biden’s brain trying to shift responsibility for his failures.
