Biden Admin Is Slashing Milk Allowances For WIC Families In Favor of Soy-Based Products

Brittany M. Hughes | March 10, 2023
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Those who argue that government dependency programs and welfare boondoggles are necessary to sustain the struggling and poor might want to remember that a ruling elite that so magnanimously provides you with your basic necessities can also decide on a whim what basic necessities you do -or don’t - need.

And there’s jack all you can do about it.

Case in point: the Biden administration, which just announced it will be scaling back the amount of milk it provides to the some 6 million people who depend on the federal Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children in favor of soy-based products. To justify literally taking milk from babies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture pointed to “science-based” guideline updates from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine that claims soy-based dairy replacements “best meet [participants’] nutritional needs and foster healthy growth and development.”

As The Blaze points out, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said back in November that “[t]hese proposed changes will strengthen WIC – already an incredibly powerful program – by ensuring it provides foods that reflect the latest nutrition science to support healthy eating and bright futures.”

Whether families like it or not.

And lest you be so inclined, you should definitely not question whether this move has anything to do with the Biden administration's ultra-leftist, anti-meat "green" agenda that would see us all chewing hemp and eating bugs to keep the planet from warming another 0.001 degree. But I digress.

Children ages 12 to 23 months old who are enrolled in WIC will see their monthly milk ration reduced from 16 quarts to just 12, while kids between 2 and 4 years will get 14 quarts instead of the previous 16. Pregnant women will see the harshest reduction, plummeting from 22 allotted quarts per month to just 16. Of course, families are free to purchase any additional gallons - but they'll bear the brunt of Bidenflation and have to cough up their own cash for the extras - a tall order for some, given that's the whole reason they're enrolled in the welfare program in the first place.

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So if your kid is thriving on the cow’s milk that most doctors recommend as a healthy and essential part of a growing toddler’s diet? Bummer.

Have a soy allergy? You’re crap outta luck.

Living with a thyroid condition or other hormonal imbalance that could be exacerbated by too much soy? Too bad.

Just plain don’t like it? Hold your nose and drink it, you ungrateful peasant.

After all, when it comes to relying on Washington politicians and overpaid bureaucrats for your most fundamental and basic needs, you get what you don't pay for. And if the government giveth, the government can taketh away.