Belief Among Democrats that ‘Force Is Justified’ to Restore Abortion Rights More than Doubles in 2023

Sarah Prentice | July 26, 2023
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According to a new study by the University of Chicago, public support for political violence has grown significantly among Democrat voters.

A national survey of American adults, conducted June 22-26, asked if force is “justified” to achieve various ends. In particular, the study found that support for the use of force to coerce members of Congress has doubled in 2013, from nine percent in January to 17 percent in June.

The study also reports that “the rise was sharpest among Democrats where it grew by about 2.5 times.”

The University of Chicago report tries to downplay the obvious implications of this data by saying “this growing anger parallels the Republican rise to power and proceedings in the House of Representatives.”

Furthermore, Democrats were also more likely to have voiced “radical, expressly violent support” for political violence in order to restore abortion rights in the country.

According to the study, public support for violence in order “to restore the federal right to abortion grew from 8 percent in January 2023 to 12 percent as of June 26, 2023… The increase was sharpest among Democrats, doubling over the past 6 months from 8 to 16 percent.”

“This likely indicates growing anger over the Republican controlled supreme court (sic),” the study reads.

The report claims that the federal indictment of former president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “radicalizing” support for political violence among Republicans, as well. 

According to the study, support among all American adults for the use of force to restore Trump to the presidency rose from 4.5 percent of Americans in April to 6.8 percent in June.

The study was conducted by University of Chicago Professor Robert Pape, reportedly a “liberal Republican” who has voted for Democrats.