Remember that time Hitler came out and wished everybody a happy Hanukkah? Or Stalin raised a vodka shot to entrepreneurs on Small Business Saturday?
Yeah, me either. But if they had, Planned Parenthood would've just one-upped them in the Irony Department.
The nation’s largest abortion giant, known for killing more than 320,000 preborn children a year, had the audacity Sunday to wish moms across the nation a “Happy Mothers Day” – that is, if their children were lucky enough to make it through Planned Parenthood’s gauntlet of pro-abortion propaganda alive.
Happy #MothersDay! Planned Parenthood is proud to celebrate mothers in the U.S. and around the world. We're committed to fighting for a world where all mothers can live healthy lives, and raise their children in peace.
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) May 13, 2018
Just not a world, apparently, where mothers can actually be, you know, mothers.
The irony of a group that specializes in (and profits from) exterminating children saluting women for having children wasn’t lost on many Twitter users.
Sorry we missed your kid the first time around, Happy Mother’s Day.
— Mattphilbin (@Mattphilbin) May 13, 2018're in the business of preventing women from becoming mothers.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) May 13, 2018
hop up on the table and hold still while we get the forceps and pull that baby apart so we can sell those body parts for more profit. oh and by the way Happy Mothers Day from Planned Parenthood....
— Deborah-UnTamed (@UnTamedInSD) May 13, 2018
"We profit off of making sure women DON'T become mothers." There, I fixed it for you.
— Christy Waters (@ThatChristyChic) May 13, 2018
You killed 300,000 kids last year .. who wish they could be celebrating #MothersDay today!
— Joshua Feuerstein (@TheEvangelist) May 13, 2018
Things more ironic than planned 'parenthood' celebrating Mothers Day:
— Corey Baltzer ن 🇨🇦 (@cbns007) May 13, 2018
I have nothing.
By Monday morning, Planned Parenthood’s tweet had garnered more than 2,400 responses to only 1,600 “likes,” a sure sign in the Twitterverse that most people had taken issue with the group’s statement.
Then again, being so preoccupied with dismembering sentient children and inducing premature miscarriages and all, it’s unlikely that they’ll notice.