Army Propagates Transgender Ideology on Museum Website and in Recruiting as Part of Comprehensive Defense DEI Initiative

Evan Poellinger | July 10, 2023
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The United States Army has begun openly expressing support for gender ideology in official articles and on its museum website. The National Museum of the United States Army, the Army’s official museum, includes a page on its website concerning Jennie Hodgers, a woman who disguised herself as a man named Albert Cashier in order to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War. The website stated “how Cashier identified personally, as a woman or transgender man, is still unknown, but his desire to be known as a man, dedicated to service to his country in its most trying hour, is honored with masculine pronouns throughout this article.”

In absence of being able to dig up the long deceased Hodgers and ask for confirmation about preferred pronouns, it appears that the Army chose to conclude that Hodgers’ “preferred pronouns” would match with their preferred outlook on gender ideology.

Deceased soldiers aside, the Army has also emphasized examples of still-living soldiers who embody the newfound gender ideology. An article on the U.S. Army’s official website, from June 22, highlights the experiences of biologically-male Major Jones, whose life was allegedly “saved” by coming out as transgender “woman.” Jones, who “grew up depressed and suicidal,” stated that “even when deployed, the greatest threat to my own safety was myself.” The article claims that it was only after Jones was able to live outwardly as a woman that such feelings of suicidality began to dissipate.

Of course, the Army is not the only branch of the military to begin openly propagating gender theory and so-called diversity ideology.

In March, the Center Square reported that the Department of Defense comptroller budget report noted that $86.5 million had been set aside for “dedicated diversity and inclusion activities.” According to chapter four, page 35 of the report, the Department of Defense stated that such diversity initiatives are “fundamental to growing our talent, building resilience and readiness, and ensuring accountable leadership.”

It remains to be seen just how the Department of Defense’s plan to highlight and recruit those who deny biological reality will help build a cohesive, singularly-focused military apparatus and succeed in “building resilience and readiness.”