Anti-Gun 'Squad' Members Fork Out $1.2M For Private Security While Calling to Defund the Cops

Brittany M. Hughes | August 21, 2023
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The socialist “Squad” up in D.C. has spent years squawking about the dangers of firearms in the hands of law-abiding Americans while simultaneously pushing to defund the police who exist to help said defenseless people, throwing a one-two blow at Americans’ ability to stave off violent attackers.

All, it turns out, while forking out more than $1.2 million in private security for themselves.

For example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), who has repeatedly voted to strip Americans of their right to own vaguely defined “assault weapons,” has shelled out nearly $273k in campaign funds for security since taking office in 2019.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) has spent $125,683.75 on securityiover those same four years. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) has spent $64,763, while Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) has shucked out $20,480.

But perhaps the worst offender in this latest installment of "Hypocrisy, They Name Is Leftism" is Rep. Cori Bush, a Democrat from Missouri who inanely rambled back in May that Second Amendment supporters have a “nihilistic, insurrectionist view” of gun rights and called for a “public health response to the public health emergency that is gun violence in our country.”

What does any of that mean? Your guess is as good as mine. But when it comes to protesting guns, forking out hundreds of thousands in campaign cash for your own private security - and even paying your own husband to be part of the team - apparently doesn’t apply.

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During the same time she was attempting to strip Americans’ right to defend themselves while ranting about defunding the cops, Bush reportedly dumped more than $730,000 into her own private security, including paying her own husband $75,000 to provide security services. According to campaign finance documents, she also paid $380,947 to Peace Security, a St. Louis-based pro-gun private security firm whose core values go against pretty much everything Bush claims to support.

Oh, and all those expenses? Those are on top of the taxpayer-provided security already provided to members of Congress by U.S. Capitol Police, the New York Post correctly points out.

Would that we were all rich enough to buy our own security teams and pay our husbands tens of thousands to have our six. But alas, we mortals down here in everyday America must fend for ourselves, arming ourselves in own homes and relying on our local police department to show up when there’s a problem we can’t handle.

At least, that is, until the Squad gets their way.

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